reinforcer|reinforcers in English


['rɪːɪn'fɔrsə(r) /-'fɔːs-]

one who strengthens, fortifier; one who increases; reward or punishment designed to strengthen a particular response (Psychology)

Use "reinforcer|reinforcers" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reinforcer|reinforcers" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reinforcer|reinforcers", or refer to the context using the word "reinforcer|reinforcers" in the English Dictionary.

1. The present series of experiments attempted to analyze more fully the contributions of stimulus-reinforcer and response-reinforcer relations to Autoshaping within a single conditioning situation

2. Composite reinforcer sheathed with a layer of polymer that is self-adhesive to rubber

3. After being repeatedly associated with a treat or reward, a Clicker becomes a conditioned reinforcer.

4. The initial short-lived euphoria of a reinforcer as powerful as Crack will be followed by a "crash".

5. The Audiotaped pacing and generalised reinforcers were gradually thinned once the patient's rate of eating was decreased to a relatively safe pace

6. Conditioned reinforcement occurs when a stimulus has acquired the capacity to reinforce behaviors through its learned association with a primary reinforcer.

7. Autoshaping typically occurs when biologically primed stimulus‐response relations interact with and occasionally override operantly learned, potentially incompatible response‐reinforcer relations

8. Psychology Definition of Appetitive CONDITIONING: a type of Pavlovian or classical conditioning in which the unconditioned stimulus is a positive reinforcer that plays to …

9. Related to Conditioned: Conditioned reflex, Conditioned response, Conditioned stimulus, Conditioned reinforcer condition A future and uncertain event that determines whether or not there will be a contractual obligation or liability.

10. “Contrived reinforcers are events that are provided by someone for the purpose of modifying behavior.”–Paul Chance, Learning and Behavior, 7th Edition, 2013” In the context of his book, Chance’s use of “Contrived” is taken as “purposeful”

11. Related to Conditioned: Conditioned reflex, Conditioned response, Conditioned stimulus, Conditioned reinforcer Condition A future and uncertain event upon the happening of which certain rights or obligations will be either enlarged, created, or destroyed.

12. In the Autoshaping preparation subjects are exposed to magazine training (US-only trials) prior to the conditioning phase in which a stimulus (conditioned stimulus, CS) predicts the delivery of a response independent reinforcer (unconditioned stimulus, US)

13. The aim of the present work was to develop a rapid method for moisture determination in silicic acid used in rubber industry as a reinforcer and ingredient. Water is bound in silicic acid by chemical and adsorption forces.

14. Autoshaping (sometimes called "sign tracking") is any of a variety of experimental procedures used to classical conditioning In the procedure a reinforcer is paired with a stimulus that is independent of the subjects behaviour until the subject makes a response to the stimulus.